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Get AdSense reports mailed to you

Get AdSense reports mailed to you

There's another new AdSense feature today, that of emailable reports:
After you create a custom report, you can go to the Report Manager page and ask Google to mail you the report (delivered as a CSV file — comma-separate values — that is easily imported into a spreadsheet) to whatever email address you want. So if you have a BlackBerry or a Treo and want to see what your earnings are like while you're out and about, this is one avenue to do so. Unfortunately, there is no option to send out reports on an hourly basis, just daily, weekly or monthly, so it certainly won't replace the AdSense Notifier. But it's a nice option to have. (Note to Allen Holman: please change the Notifier to read “AdSense Notifier” and not “Adsense notifier”. Thank you.)

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