Top Web hosting affiliate programs are some of the highest paying affiliate programs around. Now before you run off and start signing up under every web hosting affiliate program you can find, let me tell you that it’s also one of the most competitive. You’d better have a game plan and some deep pockets or great resources before you decide to tackle this industry.
If the truth were known, most people make little money off of Web Hosting affiliate programs. Most bloggers and some Webmasters just stick a banner or text link from their host provider on their sites and get a few conversions over a period of time.
Unless you’re prepared to enter the affiliate marketing hell, that’s probably the best way to do it!
Note: Click on the link if you’re looking for reviews about blog web hosting providers.
How I chose the 21 Top Paying Web Hosting Affiliate Programs
It would have been easy to just search web hosting companies and find who pays the most and stick their names here. But there’s more to choosing a winning affiliate program than simply picking the company that pays the most.Even if you have a Web Host provider paying $200 per sign up, it doesn’t mean squat unless they can convert traffic!
Here are the factors I looked at when choosing the 21 Top Paying Web Hosting Affiliate Programs.
- I only went with web hosting companies that were under affiliate networks (CJ has the most that I’m aware of). When I go looking at stats, I want to go to only a few websites, not 10 or 15 different sites to see how much money I’ve made. Plus I feel like (for the most part) that the Networks will keep the Web Host honest as far as reporting goes. (I know for a fact that Sharasale will)
- I looked at the 3 month Network earnings for each provider. Any affiliate program can have a few big sales in a week that will inflate their 7 day earnings per click. I want to see how a program has performed over time. A high Network earnings number means there are people making money from the affiliate program.
- Not all Networks report reversals. Shareasale does and I take that into account when I can find the number. What good is it if you make 90 sales and have 89 of them reversed?
- Terms. Some web hosting companies make it easy to make a sale. Some make it difficult plus some only pay on a hosting sign up while others pay you on everything from Domain names to SSL certificates. Some will not allow you to use PPC and some will not let you use email. It pays (pun intended) to read the terms before signing up!
- Of course I looked at how much each company pays per sign up. That should be the last number you look at. There are companies paying out $150 per sign up, but their websites don’t convert. Then you may have a company who only pays out $75, but their sites converts you traffic into sign ups like crazy. Who would you rather be signed up with?
- Referal length. Sometimes a person doesn’t sign up right away with a web hosting company. It may take them a month or more to decide to buy web hosting. If they go to your web host 32 days after their first visit and sign up for web hosting, I want that commission! I like long referral periods!
DreamHost - (Independent program, click here to go to their website for more details)
Referral length: N/A
Commission amount: $97 or 10%
Comments: DreamHost has probably one of the most unique affiliate programs of any web hosting provider. You have two choices when signing up. Either a one time payment of $97 for everyone you sign up plus $5 for every that your referrals sign up or you can opt for 10% of all fees paid by your referrals to DreamHost for as long as they are customers plus you’ll get 5% of any fees of the people your referral signs up. This can be a very lucrative web hosting affiliate program for those of you sending a lot of referrals! It’s one of my favorites.
Affiliate Network: Independent
Commission amount: $150
Incentives: HostRocket has a traditional incentive program. The more you sell, the more you make. I like that incentive! One of the highest paying Web Hosting companies on the web!
Affiliate Network: Independent
Referral length: 45 days
Commission amount: $80
Comments: Customer must remain a client for at least 31 days in order to qualify for referral fee.
Affiliate Network: CJ
1&1 Hosting
Click Here
Referral length: 120 days
Commission amount: $2.50 to $300
Incentives:For commissions exceeding $1000 you can receive a 1 time bonus of $100
Comments: Actions lock 60 days after the event. NO Junk Traffic, Email Spam, or Search Engine Spam allowed. No PPC marketing allowed w/o approval. Very lucrative for affiliate marketers who can send quality traffit to 1 and 1 hosting.
Affiliate Network: CJ
Referral length: 45 days
Commission amount: $85
Affiliate Network: CJ
WebHosting Pad
Referral length: 120 days
Commission amount: $100 to $125
Comments:They include many free and unlimited services with their accounts which makes them very popular with people looking for low cost web hosting. This makes sign ups easeir for the affiliate marketer.
Affiliate Network: CJ
Apollo Hosting
Referral length: 45 days
Commission amount: $70
Incentives: For Number of Actions equal to or greater than 10 increase commission by 5.00%. For Number of Actions equal to or greater than 25 increase commission by 10.00%
Affiliate Network: CJ
Referral length: 60 days
Commission amount: $30 to $115 per sale. $2 for every domain registered.
Comments: No PPC marketing allowed w/o approval.
Affiliate Network: CJ
Referral length: 45 days
Commission amount: $30 to $115 per sale. $2 for every domain registered.
Comments: No PPC marketing allowed w/o approval.
Affiliate Network: CJ
Referral length: 90 days
Commission amount: $100 on hosting plans, 20-30% on other products
Incentives: Many different incentive plans depending on the product.
Comments:Very popular with many affiliate marketers due to their incentive programs and varing levels of payout.
Affiliate Network: CJ
Referral length: 120 days
Commission amount: $120
Affiliate Network: CJ Web Hosting
Referral length: 120 days
Commission amount: $110 to $150
Comments: For Number of Actions equal to or greater than 25 receive one time bonus of $250.00 USD, greater than 50 receive one time bonus of $500.00 USD, greater than 100 receive one time bonus of $1,000.00 USD. Very popular due to referral length and the amount of payout.
Affiliate Network: CJ
Referral length: 45 days
Commission amount: $90
Comments: This is a very popular web host for Affiliate Marketers because of the ability to host unlimited amount of websites on 1 account.
Affiliate Network: CJ
Referral length: 60 days
Commission amount: $50 to $150
Comments:Claims to have CJ’s #1 converting affiliate program. Pays out on several products and services.
Affiliate Network: CJ
Referral length: 45 days
Commission amount: $30 to $105
Incentives:Godaddy offers plenty of Incentives, too numerous to list here. Just make sure you use a GoDaddy Promo Code to save money on your initial setup.
Comments:They only pay one time per occurrence which is odd considering many others pay for unlimited occurrences. This can limit your ability to make money with Goddady. Still, it’s probably the easiest for Newcomers to make money with due to all the products and services they pay on, including their domain auctions. Worth a try due to this reason and the fact that they have a strong brand name recognized by many “none techie” people.
Affiliate Network: CJ
Referral length: 60 days
Commission amount: $80 – $100
Incentives: Base starts at $80, more than 10 actions, commission increases to $90, more than 25, commission increases to $100 per action
Comments: Several packages for a visitor to choose from
Affiliate Network:Linkshare
PC Digital
Referral length: unknown, contact affiliate manager
Commission amount: $ 73
Comments: accepts traffic from all countries. Commissions are for a sign up under the 1 to 2 year plan. Commissions for the 3 to 6 month plan are $51.
Affiliate Network:Azoogle
Ultra Website Hosting – Flux Services
Referral length: NEVER EXPIRES!
Commission amount: 500% – Yes you read correctly
Affiliate Network: Sharasale
Referral length: 120 days
Commission amount: $95 per sale
Comments: Good long term Network earnings per click. Excellent referral length, one of the the best in the Industry.
Affiliate Network: CJ
Referral length: 90 days
Commission amount: 35% per sale
Comments: High 7 and 30 day sales and commissions
Affiliate Network: Sharasale
ServPro Web Hosting
Referral length: 120 days
Commission amount: $30 per sale
Comments: Nice earnings Network wide despite the $30 payout
Affiliate Network: Sharasale
Okay, so there you have it. My pick of the 21 top paying web hosting affiliate programs. Remember, do your research before joining up. You can also go to most of the Web Hosting company web site’s and join there, although you won’t be joining through an Affiliate Network in most cases.
You should only pick one or two Web Hosting companies to begin with. It will be easier to track the stats and make sales. Good luck and I hope you’ve found this list helpful!
21 top paying web hosting affiliate programs
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